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Psalm 139. We all need our maker, HE has all true instructions.
God loves us, but hates sin. Sin causes chaos.
Rain though often difficult to bear at times, brings flowers; and pressure likewise, makes diamonds! Find true hope and purpose in God.
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Life can tear you apart, but God will always give you the strength to keep getting back up. Let me share with you what God helped me understand
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Children’s, Allegory
In several compelling adventures of this story, ‘the smooshlepuff,’ finds he has a big problem. He does not truly know, nor understand what the purpose of life really is. The smooshlepuff naturally goes about his life, just like us as human beings do. Then, the smooshlepuff soon uncovers a powerful concept that lets him know … “Everything is gonna be ok.”
In several compelling adventures of this story, ‘the smooshlepuff,’ finds he has a big problem. He does not truly know, nor understand what the purpose of life really is. The smooshlepuff naturally goes about his life, just like us as human beings do. Then, the smooshlepuff soon uncovers a powerful concept that lets him know … “Everything is gonna be ok.”
The crime, the pain, the tears and hurt, the hatred and confusion, the suffering, disaster left and right, and nobody seems to care; What on Earth?! is wrong with the world? In this allegory, you will soon start to see, or maybe you won't see, but will be as the wolves and lost creatures, living obliviously. Read to find out.
A darling story about a little fly that is so very shy, will the shy little fly ever stop being shy, read to find out!
A young boy, The Lizard Catcher, has a dream: to catch a lizard. He sets out with all he is to catch a lizard, but in the end he will discover he has a new dream.
The ducks are having a wedding. But somehow everything keeps getting in the way. Will the celebration go on? Read this short, captivating children’s book to find out.
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